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Here are some ideas for fundraising to help your ministry groups. If you have any ideas, feel free to share them with us!



Organize volunteers to cook a meal (ie. lasagna) and serve after Sunday morning service. Paid for by donations or a set price. 

car wash


hot chocolate

Ask a local brewer to make a custom coffee blend, stamp event logo on cups, sell coffee beans or brewed coffee/HC/tea.

krispy kreme

bake sale

Ask congregants to bake goods and sell after a Sunday morning service. Bake Sale Tips

envelope challenge

The process is simple: set up a series of envelopes for donors to choose from. The number on the envelope is the donation value they need to return it with. That's all there is to it – the rest is up to your creativity. More details

dessert auction

Similar to a bake sale have volunteers bake desserts and then auction off the items to raise funds. 

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